PNP Staffing Group has released its 2020 Nonprofit Salaries and Staffing Trends Report. The report notes that 80 percent of nonprofits plan on giving staff raises in 2020. The salary increases include addressing the issue of low pay for program and support positions as well as gender pay equity and gaps.
“Fifty-two percent of surveyed nonprofits indicated they are planning more substantial increases for program staff, followed by 48% that reported planned increases for staff in administrative and support positions,” said Dr. Robert Duvall, PNP’s Director of Education Services.
While 17 states, including New York and New Jersey, have enacted salary history bans, 78 percent of New York City area nonprofits reported that these measures have not adversely affected how they discuss salary offers or handle compensation matters with candidates. “Sixty-four percent of organizations report that they have in place, or plan to have in place in 2020, transparent and published guidelines and criteria for salary structures and salary increases,” said Gayle Brandel, CEO of PNP Staffing Group. “This is a significant step forward toward transparency and pay equity.”
To retain talent in a competitive marketplace, opportunities for training and professional growth continue to be on top of the list of requirements for talent optimization and retention.
PNP’s Nonprofit Salaries and Staffing Trends Report provides details on current salary ranges for 45 nonprofit professional positions in organizations with 5 different budget sizes. Over 1,200 nonprofits responded to PNP’s annual salary survey.