As we all continue to monitor the coronavirus (COVID-19), its impact on our organizations, our missions and our communities, 501(c) Services wants you all to know that we are here to help.
Among the many issues facing us all is the possibility that employees are unable to work due to either their health condition, the health of a family member, or closure of workplaces and schools. Your concerns range from whether staff are eligible for unemployment to how to best prepare your organization for office closures, teleworking policies and sick leave issues.
Right now our phone lines and email addresses are ready for your inquiries. You can forward any concerns related to COVID-19 and its effect on your organization by clicking here.
We have seen an increase in inquiries related to COVID-19 in the past weeks, so we have already begun to hear some of the same questions and concerns. Therefore, we have scheduled a webinar related to the outbreak, how it may affect your organization, and what you can do to manage related issues.
Join us on Tuesday, June 2nd for Yet Another COVID-19 Employment Law Update. Click here to register.
Finally, we send our heartfelt sympathies to all those who have already been affected both here at home and abroad. Many of you find yourselves on the front lines of the COVID-19 outbreak. You are serving and caring for our ill neighbors, friends, and family. We are proud to be part of your community and that you are part of ours.
We will continue to update the resources below as we get more information.
Nonprofit Specific Resources
- 501(c) Services Nonprofit COVID-19 FAQ [501(c) Services]
- Guidance for Nonprofit Reopening: Post COVID-19 Protocols [Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits]
- INSIGHT: CARES Act for Not-for-Profit Entities [Bloomberg]
- Best 8 Financial Tools to Combat COVID-19 [FinImpact]
- Forgivable Paycheck Loan or Tax Credits [Forbes]
- CARES Act Relief Summary for Nonprofits [BakerHostetler]
- The FFCRA and CARES Act: Provisions Affecting Nonprofits [The National Law Review]
Employment Law Resources
- DOL FFCRA FAQ [U.S. Department of Labor]
- FFCRA Tax Credits for Employers [Internal Revenue Service]
- Careeronestop.org
Pandemic Related Resources
- Doing What Matters in Times of Stress [WHO]
- World Health Organization (WHO) dedicated page on Coronavirus [WHO]
- Centers for Disease Control (CDC) dedicated page on Coronavirus [CDC]
- Find your state health department for local information [CDC]
- Johns Hopkins Coronavirus resource center [JHU]
- HIPAA privacy and Novel Coronavirus [U.S. Department of Health and Human Services]
- COVID-19 and OSHA resource page [U.S. Department of Labor]
- FLSA and COVID-19 guidance [Ogletree Deakins]
- CIPD Coronavirus resource hub [CIPD]
- Coronavirus vs. the flu [Johns Hopkins Medicine]
- Coronavirus and the workplace: What employers need to know [The National Law Review]
- How HR leaders are preparing for Coronavirus [Fast Company]
- 8 questions employers should ask about Coronavirus [HBR]
- Lead your business through the Coronavirus crisis [HBR]
- Coronavirus: 3 things you can do to prepare your organization for the unexpected [TLNT]
- Employer’s Coronavirus checklist [HR Examiner]
- COVID-19 PSA for startups [Elad Gil]
- Coronavirus information and FAQs [SHRM]
- COVID-19: Implications for business [McKinsey]
- Keeping strong communications in place in times of crisis [TLNT]
- Coronavirus Tax Relief [IRS]
- DOL Issues FFCRA Notices, Q&A Guidance [NLR]
- COVID-19 Federal: SBA Issues Guidance on Paycheck Protection Program [NLR]
- Coronavirus Emergency Loans: Small Business Guide and Checklist [USCC]
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Questions and Answers [DOL]
- Congress CARES About Employee Benefits [NLR]
Remote Work Resources
- The 2020 Complete Guide to Remote Work [Novoresume]
- HR considerations for remote employees [GMS]
- Working from home: How Coronavirus could affect the workplace [The New York Times]
- Resources for companies embracing remote work [GitLab]
- Amid Coronavirus fears, how to support new remote workers [exaqueo]
- Transitioning from offices to distributed teams during a crisis [John O’Duinn]
- Course: Best practices for working remotely [Udemy]
- 8 strategies to set up remote work during the Coronavirus outbreak [Fast Company]
- Tips for work from home newbies [Zoom]
- The ultimate guide for running a remote team [Zapier]
- Hiring remote employees [Insperity]
- How to engage the remote workforce [HR Exchange Network]
- Hundreds of articles on managing remote work [TLNT]