At this time, most states are experiencing an increase in unemployment claims due to the COVID-19; however in many cases they have not yet issued specific direction on claims based on disruptions caused by the pandemic. The situation is very fluid. Based on what we know currently, state unemployment agencies are considering rule changes which may waive certain claim filing or weekly certification requirements as well as charging rules.
501(c) Services will continue to monitor and review any new information released by the states. We have created the quick reference grid below and will update is as we get new information.
We encourage organizations to continue to follow your existing processes managing separations and unemployment claims. As always, you should not advise any employee on whether or not to file an unemployment claim. You can make the employee aware of their right to file claims, and if desired, provide them with information using the links on the grid that could help them expedite that process. State agencies will continue to adjudicate claims based upon the facts of each particular separation and the regulations of that particular state, and will adjust as changes to those regulations are made.
Our friends at EWS have helped us compile this information.