Today, we are announcing that ReBuilding Center is a program participant of 501(c) Agencies Trust.
As a state unemployment insurance (SUI) reimburser, ReBuilding Center (Portland, OR) retains much of the money they could be sending the state in the form of unemployment taxes for their programs and services. They chose 501(c) Agencies Trust from a suite of programs provided by 501(c) Services that are designed to help them save money on their unemployment taxes.
The ReBuilding Center’s mission is to make a material difference by building equitable, resilient, and sustainable communities through reuse. They work to ensure that people and building materials—specifically those perceived as liabilities and cast off by society—are instead valued and activated as community assets.
For more information about 501(c) Services, please contact us today.
501(c) Services, a 100% employee owned organization, has nearly 40 years of experience in providing full-service alternatives to state-run unemployment insurance programs, and provides services to over 1,500 nonprofits nationally. We administer the 501(c) Agencies Trust, which offers a comprehensive suite of risk management services and multiple stop-loss protection solutions for its 501(c)(3) nonprofit members, and UInsure*, a first dollar unemployment insurance program for 501(c)(3)s, government entities, and tribally owned businesses. We also operate Nonprofit HR Services – a confidential resource available to help walk nonprofits through difficult personnel issues.
To see if your organization would financially benefit from our unemployment services, please complete a Request for Information Form today.
*UInsure is not available in all states.