Today, we are announcing Parenting Now! as a program participant of 501(c) Agencies Trust.
As a state unemployment insurance (SUI) reimburser, Parenting Now! (Eugene, OR) retains much of the money they could be sending the state in the form of unemployment taxes for their programs and services. They chose 501(c) Agencies Trust from a suite of programs provided by 501(c) Services that are designed to help them save money on their unemployment taxes.
Parenting Now! provides support and education so that all children are raised by nurturing, skilled parents. They were founded in 1978 in Lane County, Oregon as a grassroots community project named Birth To Three. Since that beginning, nearly 100,000 local parents and their children have benefited from the organization’s programs and services. Today, Parenting Now! is one of the premier parenting organizations in the country. They have developed nationally recognized parenting education curricula which are now being used at more than 900 sites in 46 states; 18 international locations; and in Native American and Native Hawaiian communities.
In 1982, 501(c) Services established the first trust in the country – 501(c) Agencies Trust (formerly known as Joint Unemployment Compensation Trust) – to offer a safe way for nonprofits to legally stop paying the state unemployment insurance tax while still covering unemployment charges for former employees. After nearly 40 years, our experience working exclusively with nonprofit organizations has expanded to include tribally-owned businesses. 501(c) Services helps these organizations pay only for their own unemployment claims while providing claims management. Our success is due to our hands-on, full service approach, coordinated by a fully staffed in-house team.
We also offer a wide range of programs for mission-driven organizations including 501(c) HR Services, 501(c) Agencies Trust Group Retro Plan for Washington nonprofits, UInsure* (the only admitted private unemployment insurance product in the country), Boy Scouts of America Unemployment Plan, and Native Freedom Trust for tribal organizations. We are a 100 percent employee-owned company.
To see if your organization would financially benefit from our unemployment services, please complete a Request for Information Form today.
*UInsure is not available in all states.
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay