A Quick Guide for Nonprofit Organizations
In the nonprofit sector, hiring is traditionally housed within human resources or given to individual hiring managers to handle. This model, however, does not always lead to the best results. Organizations that can execute talent acquisition as a stand-alone function often see greater success. Hiring is most successful when it is its own vertical.
Here is a quick guide to building a talent acquisition department.
Assess Demand
- Analyze company growth: historically, currently, and future.
- Review key hiring factors: turnover, skill gaps, promotions, and hiring funnels such as interns, volunteers, AmeriCorps.
- Research the market: talent trends, competition, approaches used for hiring, talent strategies.
Stakeholder Support
- Research to validate and support your strategy and projections for a Talent Acquisition Department.
- Identify and collaborate with internal stakeholders.
- Conduct individual/group discovery sessions about what team members feel is needed for your hiring strategy.
- Share your vision inclusive of a cost/benefit analysis of what is needed for this strategy and garner support from organizational champions.
Develop a Talent Strategy
- Do you currently have one and if so, how effective is it?
- Review your mission, vision, values, and growth goals as they relate to talent.
- Analyze whether your marketing plan, people resources, hiring processes align to the overall business strategy.
- Create a long-term hiring strategy that aligns with the overall long-term business strategy of the organization.
- Create a short-term recruiting strategy to address immediate needs.
Make a Business Case
- Detail findings in a well-structured, well-written presentation to leadership/board members.
- Outline business pain points that the Talent Acquisition department will solve – give examples and utilize the data collected.
- Provide preliminary hiring forecasts as well as summaries of stakeholders needs/expectations.
- Include costs and cost savings – highlight the fiscal value of this department.
- Tie everything back to the mission, vision, values, and strategy of the organization.
Additional Content
Recently, Alan Lesher, CEO, YMCA of the Inland Northwest and Benjamin Freedman, CEO, Weiser Innovations, presented a webinar related to this subject matter.
Benjamin Freedman is the CEO of Weiser Innovations. Weiser is an innovative talent acquisition firm with deep roots in the nonprofit sector and partners with 501 to provide talent acquisition assistance to its 3,000 nonprofit clients. Contact us today for talent acquisition assistance.
(Image by user6309018 from Freepik)