Many members have related over the past year they could not imagine operating through the COVID-19 pandemic without assistance from the Trust.
We know that there are numerous nonprofits in your community that could use our help as well. We’d like your assistance connecting with them.
Do you work closely with other nonprofits like yours? Do you belong to an affinity group? Do any members of your staff belong to nonprofit networking groups?
If so, you are in a great position to recommend Trust membership to your peers. And we can help you do it.
Email us today. We will help you connect your nonprofit neighbors and allies with the Trust. We’ll explain the Trust to your friends. Your Trust advocacy will possibly help other organizations access the benefits of membership.
While it will only take a few moments of your time, it will have a lasting impact on the organizations you refer by helping them put time, resources, and money back into their missions.
With your help, we will continue to serve nonprofits for another 40 years.
Refer your nonprofit friends, today.